Servants of Jesus Community - Norms and Disciplines
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   norms and disciplines

"For it is not the man who commends himself that is accepted, but the man whom the Lord commends." - 2 Cor. 10:18

To serve the Lord is not an easy task. It entails a lot of sacrifices, self-denial and cross carrying. These are requirements of a person who chose to serve the Lord. The victory of the services we are doing lies on the manner we comply to the standard he wants his servants to possess.

  1. Faithfulness in Prayer Life
    1. Daily prayer and scripture time for at least 30 minutes (1 hour for leaders)
    2. Should attend all community gatherings
    3. Should attend one mass aside from Sunday mass
    4. Regular confession
    5. Fasting and abstinence for the intentions of the community
    6. Regular visitation to the Blessed Sacrament
  2. Faithful Tither
  3. No vices
    1. No smoking
    2. No exessive drinking
    3. No gossiping
    4. No gambling
    5. No Card Games of all forms which practices occult(magic or charm), new age activities(yoga, ouija board, horoscope), superstitions, fortune telling, palm reading.
  4. Non-Conformity to "secular/worldly standards" in the following areas
    1. Music
    2. Dresses/Clothing
    3. Dance
    4. Movies/Films/TV Programs
    5. Jokes (of all colors)
    6. Reading Materials
    7. Hairstyles
    8. No earrings
  5. Punctuality must be observed
  6. Proper dresses/clothing in all services
  7. Single-hearted for the Lord
  8. Prudent and Modest in Speech and action
  9. Humble and Obedient
  10. Bringing of Bible (Catholic Edition) in all community gatherings
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