"For it is not the man who commends himself that is accepted, but the man whom the Lord commends." - 2 Cor. 10:18
To serve the Lord is not an easy task. It entails a lot of sacrifices, self-denial and cross carrying. These are requirements of a person who chose to serve the Lord. The victory of the services we are doing lies on the manner we comply to the standard he wants his servants to possess.
- Faithfulness in Prayer Life
- Daily prayer and scripture time for at least 30 minutes (1 hour for leaders)
- Should attend all community gatherings
- Should attend one mass aside from Sunday mass
- Regular confession
- Fasting and abstinence for the intentions of the community
- Regular visitation to the Blessed Sacrament
- Faithful Tither
- No vices
- No smoking
- No exessive drinking
- No gossiping
- No gambling
- No Card Games of all forms which practices occult(magic or charm), new age activities(yoga, ouija board, horoscope), superstitions, fortune telling, palm reading.
- Non-Conformity to "secular/worldly standards" in the following areas
- Music
- Dresses/Clothing
- Dance
- Movies/Films/TV Programs
- Jokes (of all colors)
- Reading Materials
- Hairstyles
- No earrings
- Punctuality must be observed
- Proper dresses/clothing in all services
- Single-hearted for the Lord
- Prudent and Modest in Speech and action
- Humble and Obedient
- Bringing of Bible (Catholic Edition) in all community gatherings